Work With Me

'The beauty of Wolfarth's story telling is hard to convey...

Joanna Bourke, BBC History Magazine

I am a cultural historian, lecturer and editor. According to The Sunday Times, I am also 'a brave writer'.

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by how we make sense of our worlds through making things and telling stories.

My first book, MILK: An Intimate History of Breastfeeding, was published by W&N in 2023. I co-edited the nonfiction book ASIA-ART-ACTIVISM.

As a specialist in Southeast Asian art history, I have a PhD in history of art and has held lectureships at SOAS, University of Arts, University of Leeds and Sotheby's Institute of Arts. I currently teache at The Open University. For more information about my academic teaching, publications and research, download my CV here.

As a non-fiction author I explore cultural histories, memoir, feminism, our relationships to landscape, art and architecture, and more. I have written for The Observer, Hyperallergic, History Today and Wellcome Stories. ​

As an editor I specialise in helping writers shape their vision, as well as structural and line edits. 

To work with me, please email