Picturing Mother: Maternity Through the Ages

Are you interested in art, history, or exploring the evolving concepts of motherhood? Join this unique lecture/workshop series that explores representations of (m)otherhood and maternity through visual art, spanning from ancient times to contemporary works.

From ancient depictions of fertility goddesses to modern portrayals of the mother-child bond, we will journey through history to explore how ideas, attitudes, and representations of motherhood have transformed across cultures and eras.

Workshop Description

Through a blend of historical context, visual examples, and personal reflection, we will examine the diverse ways in which motherhood has been portrayed and perceived. Throughout four lecture-workshops, we will analyse iconic artworks, uncover some of the societal and cultural forces that shaped these representations, and gain insights into the changing roles and expectations of mothers/ carers throughout history.

In addition, there will be space to reflect on your own relationship to the concept of 'the mother'—whether as a figure in your life, a role you inhabit, or an idea that resonates with you.

The magic of art is its ability to offer us as visceral, immediate experience. This workshop series is ideal for anyone interested in art history, cultural studies, or personal exploration of motherhood’s multifaceted nature. It is suitable for all levels.

What You’ll Experience

  • Artistic Exploration: Delve into iconic artworks and understand the cultural and societal forces that shaped their creation.

  • Historical Insights: Gain knowledge about how different cultures and historical periods have expressed motherhood through art.

  • Personal Reflection: Reflect on your own relationship with the concept of 'the mother' and how it resonates with your personal experiences.

  • Creative Engagement: Participate in discussions, creative exercises, and use visual analysis to connect with and express your ideas about motherhood.

There are a limited number of places to keep the session as intimate as possible.

Why Choose This Workshop?

Led by me, Dr. Joanna Wolfarth, an art historian with over 13 years of experience, this workshop series blends my academic expertise with personal insight. I have taught art history at the University of Leeds and SOAS, University of London. I currently teach global art history at The Open University and Fulbright University Vietnam.

I have written extensively on the intersection of art and motherhood. My work has been featured in The Observer and reviewed favorably in The Sunday Times.

‘as a cultural historian Wolfarth is excellent at detailing how motherhood changes her perspective of art . . .’ Francesca Angelini ― THE SUNDAY TIMES

Feedback from earlier creative sessions on art and motherhood:

I wanted to say how much I enjoyed your writing workshop last night and what an interesting way I found it in to thinking about constructing motherhood - WRITING WORKSHOP PARTICIPANT

Thank you again for the wonderful workshop. It was so inspiring - WRITING WORKSHOP PARTICIPANT


Course Format

  • Dates: Four weekly sessions starting Wednesday, October 2nd, at 8 PM UK Time.

  • Platform: Live online via Zoom (recordings will be available).

  • Requirements: A computer or tablet with internet access.

Of course, you may be able to use this time for peaceful reflection. However, if you need to balance this session with care-giving you are welcome to bring along babies, children etc.

What’s Included?

  • Four Live Workshops: Each session combines lectures, discussions, and creative exercises. These will be recorded.

  • Recommended Readings: Materials related to each week’s theme.

  • Creative Prompts: Tools to inspire and guide your reflections.

  • Community Access: Engage with participants and me through a private Google Chat group.

There are a limited number of places to keep the session as intimate as possible.


Pricing Options

  • Rate 1: £150 (For those comfortably able to meet all basic needs with expendable income).

  • Rate 2: £90 (For those employed with some expendable income).

  • Free Places: Two spots available for those with limited financial means. First-come, first-served basis. Contact us for a payment plan if needed.

Refund Policy

  • Full refunds are available before the course start date.

  • No refunds once the course has started. In case of cancellation, a full refund will be provided (payment processing fees may not be refundable).

Please note that there is a minimum number of paid places required for the course to run.


Get in touch if you have any questions or special requests. I look forward to looking, thinking, and working with you!