May 24Liked by Joanna Wolfarth

Oh wow. The Catlett and the Moore resonate really well. I feel like I need both to properly represent how I felt about breastfeeding- either one on its own doesn’t sufficiently encompass the experience. Thank you for sharing these.

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Jun 9Liked by Joanna Wolfarth

I remember being up w my daughter, breastfeeding in the early hours of the morning, filled with anxiety about if she was getting enough. Never have I felt so alone. 30 months later, still BF now my 2nd, things are a lot better but first time mom me needed to hear this.

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I'm sorry you felt so alone. I hope you now know that you weren't - there were/ are so many of us. I'm glad it's better second time around. xxx

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Mothering can be the most intimate human experience possible while simultaneously being one of great connectedness to all female humanity. It is here that many women step into their power or rebuff it, a real go big or go home moment. Art has been raising awareness around this sacred shared experience since the beginning. Thanks for your perspective on this topic.

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Joanna- Thanks for sharing this. I particularly love the way you weave different images, visuals, and symbolism throughout the ages on what motherhood is perceived to be. I appreciate this reflection and thought-building, especially in applying it to ways it relates to modernity. Hope you're well this week. Cheers, -Thalia

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Thank you for your kind words Thalia. x

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so excited for the morning session 💚

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