I loved this post! I was there beside you as you stepped into the library, and followed you through the story! Yes, I also love browsing, grazing in libraries (and bookstores), always finding something unexpected I didn't know I needed. I agree with you, this is not possible online.

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thank you! Yes, the same can be said for bookshops too of course.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Joanna Wolfarth

"It is the reminder that sometimes I don't know what I need until I find it wedged between what I don't need." ❤️ My favorite way to find a new book is grazing the library! Thanks for sharing your story.

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Thank you for reading!

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Sep 9Liked by Joanna Wolfarth

That is SO true about browsing on open shelves being so much more illuminating than searching online catalogues. I'll never forget my disappointment on moving to London after university when I realised that the public libraries were so inadequate .... not just compared to the university library at St Andrew's, but compared to the central city libraries in my native Belfast or in Edinburgh. London doesn't really have an equivalent, because everything is divided up among the boroughs.

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That makes a lot of sense. I also miss easy access to a large library now I'm not in a city.

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I have so many fond memories of "grazing" the bookshelves of libraries. So much space for serendipity, and you're right, we lose some of that with an online catalogue (though I still love my digital library card).

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Online is brilliant and it opens up the world for those who can't travel. But something is also lost as well.

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Sep 8Liked by Joanna Wolfarth

I loved this post Jo, and I want (need) to find out more about darsan … so, off to the library as well as the internet!

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thanks Derek!

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